
“Fear is a liar, it activates the enemy”. Lately I came across this line while watching a Netflix series and it instantly hit me hard. It’s indeed a fact that we are more often frightened than hurt and we suffer more from imagination than reality. Fear, as an emotion, often distorts reality and hinders personal growth! Why? Because it often magnifies our worries and inhibits us from moving forward.

Fear and Overthinking

Sometimes I wonder if these two are related and as a matter of fact, they are. Fear often triggers overthinking, as the mind races to predict every possible outcome, usually focusing on the negative ones. This mental loop can paralyse action, leading to missed opportunities and increased anxiety. It’s a self-imposed barrier which not only restricts progress but also empowers adversaries by showcasing vulnerability.

What would you do if you were not afraid?

This question is truly amazing and is applicable to even small daily basis decisions we take. Are you really honest with yourself when reflecting on this question?

Would you be true to yourself and really care less of what people think? Would you quit your job and pursue your passion? Would you be completely honest about how you feel about your partner, your parents, your kids? We generally avoid what scares us from within.

Fear and the Enemy Within

The “enemy” here can be internal doubts or external challenges. By succumbing to fear, we give these enemies power. Internally, fear fuels self-doubt and anxiety, which can lead to inaction. Externally, it signals to adversaries—whether they be competitors, critics, or real threats—that we are susceptible and easily shaken.

Overcoming Fear

To counteract fear, one must acknowledge its existence but not let it dictate actions. Building resilience, fostering a positive mindset, and taking small, deliberate steps toward goals can diminish fear’s influence. By confronting and rationalizing fear, its power wanes, enabling personal and professional growth.


Fear is indeed a liar; it inflates threats and undermines confidence. However, by recognizing and challenging this deceptive emotion, individuals can reclaim control, reduce vulnerabilities, and deactivate their enemies—both internal and external. Embracing courage over fear leads to empowerment and success.

Read more articles on Psychology and Lifestyle HERE.